
A brilliant creative truth or dare project

My good friend, Joslyn, is running an amazing experiment which is a lot of fun for everyone involved. – Julia

Joslyn writes:

“I have been brewing an idea for a way to crowd-fund the raincoat I splurged on in Seattle. I’m excited to officially launch Creative Truth or Dare. This has been one of the most fun and also frustrating projects so far. Frustrating only because I overestimated my ability to code buttons on a homemade website.

Creative Truth or Dare. Here’s how it works:

You pick whether you want a TRUTH or a DARE.
You give me $5 to help with a very good cause (my fashion rehabilitation).
I will send you an assignment. If you pick TRUTH, the assignment will be of a more introspective nature, and will possibly be something you can journal about or just think about while you are taking a walk. It may not involve sharing with anyone else. So this is a good option if you are scared or just a major introvert, which is totally valid and I can absolutely relate.
If you are braver, and pick DARE, you’ll get a creative assignment that will ask you to do something possibly more extroverted or at least more hands-on. Be aware that my definition of “creative” is very loose.
If you want to get an idea of some of the TRUTH and DARE assignments so far, check out the voluntary SHARE page on the site.

Ready to play? Click here.

Oh and by the way, I cannot emphasize enough the personal nature of this project. There is no robot at work, but just little old me on the other end of your button-press, getting an email from PayPal and then coming up with a customized assignment directly for you. So, sometimes it takes me a few hours to think of the perfect thing. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t get an instant reply. I will get back to you. I would not smite you!

Here are some of the results of the dare:

Jordan’s assignment:
“Write a haiku and send it in a telegram to an older person in your life who you really love.”
Jordan sent this to his mom.

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